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Scents speak louder than words...

Advanced Scent Diffusion Technologies – Professional Scent Solutions

An uncommon approach to a common sense...

A few decades ago, architects saw lighting as a luxury; now it has become a central aspect of spatial design. Scent will increasingly be used to draw out the sensual elements of public and private spaces. We realize the importance of an appropriate scent as an interior design element.

Aromas affect us on a subliminal level - which is one reason we often underestimate their power. Studies have shown that scent memory is the strongest kind of memory. The scents can be "memory markers" that help a person recall familiar brands more than unfamiliar ones.

What makes sense of smell so powerfull? Humans can recognize close to 10,000 aromas and we breathe about 30,000 times a day. Our olfactory system is able to identify a huge list of scents that surround us daily. Scents trigger memories, images, emotions and associations.The scent marketing and ambient air scenting industry is growing strong with the most recent scent studies proving the solid powerful relationship between scents and our emotions.


While others speak of and sell only products, we provide on-site full service ambient scenting solutions.

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Excellence in scent diffusion technology. Advanced scent diffusion systems and fine scent collection with unprecedented full service.

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The invisible force; ambient scenting. There's literally something in the air that is communicating directly to the emotional part of your brain.

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